Category Archives: Streets and monuments

Cadiz City: What to visit in Cadiz (Andalusia)


playa cadiz

mapa cadizSituated on a small peninsula in the Andalusia region, on the southwest Spanish coast, Cádiz is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and joined to the Iberian Peninsula (San Fernando town) by a long narrow isthmus. Its ideal geographical location, its mild, warm and sunny weather almost all year round, and its well preserved cultural and historical heritage make Cádiz an attractive tourist destination.

Cádiz is the oldest city in Spain, was founded 3,100 years ago by the Phoenicians (Fenicios) who named it Gadir and in the 3th century the Romans called it Gades, therefore, people who are born in Cádiz are called Gaditanos. Besides, when Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Visigoths and Muslims inhabited here they left an unmistakable cultural imprint on Cádiz which was conquered by the King of Castilla Alfonso X El Sabio ( 1221-1284) in 1262.

paseo maritimo cadizNowadays, Cádiz and the Iberian Peninsula are linked by the isthmus, the Carranza Bridge, which was built between 1960 and 1970 of 1400 meters long, and the Puente de la Constitución de 1812 (Bridge of the Constitution of 1812) also called La Pepa Bridge that was built between 2007 and 2014. Being the longest bridge in Spain (1,655 meters in length over the sea), La Pepa Bridge was designed by the world renowned engineer Javier Manterola who was born in 1936 in Pamplona. It is said that the Drawbridge of the Constitution of 1812 is going to be the most emblematic construction of Cádiz. Both the Carranza and La Pepa bridges cross over the Bay of Cádiz from Puerto Real town to Cádiz.

Cádiz, with a population of about 135,000, has a lot of to offer in the way of architecture, culture, gastronomy, entertainment, carnivals, flamenco, beaches, nightlife among others without forgetting its important seaport.


What to visit in Cádiz city

Firstly, we suggest taking a leisurely walk through its historical walled town (casco antiguo), enjoying its narrow streets, alleys and typical squares sensing the friendly atmosphere of the neighborhoods which still retain a lot of its traditional charm. Moreover, local people really have a lot of fun and open mind.

The Cathedral Square, one the most popular places in Cádiz, is in the medieval Pópulo quarter, which is really the oldest part of the city, visitors will be able to find the most remarkable buildings of Cádiz, such as the imposing Cathedral also known as New Cathedral in Baroque and neoclassical style that was built between 18th and 19th centuries and designed by Vicente Acero. Here is the tomb the world renowned musician Manuel de Falla. Besides, if visitors go up the Poniente Tower they will be able to enjoy a breathtaking view of the golden dome, the city and surroundings. It is worth a visit.

castillo cadizFollowing the walk from Cathedral Square people can go under the Arco de la Rosa (Rose Arch) from 13th century, it was a gateway to the walled town built by Alfonso X (1221-1284). This Pasaje de la Rosa ( Rose Passage) goes to San Martín Square, here are the Casa del Almirante with facade from 17th century in Baroque style, and the Church of the Carmen dating from 18th century in Baroque style inside a fine altarpiece from 18th century. If visitors take the Obispo Rances Street, they will arrive at The Fray Félix Square one of the most interesting spot.

Santa Cruz Church, (also known as the Old Cathedral) was finished its construction in the early 17th century by Cristobal de Rojas in Renaissance style. Being the first Cathedral of Cádiz until 1838, Santa Cruz Church was built on the site of a previous church destroyed in the late 16th century, which had been built on the site of a mosque. Inside Santa Cruz Church its main altarpiece, the Genoveses Chapel and the Urn and the Christ of Holy are worthy of mention. The Sagrario Tower and the Cathedral Museum next to Santa Cruz Church are also must see places.

Casa del Obispo ( Bishop’s Palace) between the New Cathedral and the Fray Felix Square ( Santa Cruz Church ) is the most important archaeological remains of the city ( Phoenicians, Romans and medievals) can still been seen in this palace.

Teatro Romano (the Roman Theater) was built in the late first century before of Christ being the largest Roman Theater in Spain. It was discovered in 1980 by chance. It is next to Santa Cruz Church too.

entrada a fortalezaOther interesting places in this quarter of Pópulo are: The Arco del Pópulo (Pópulo Arch) from 13th century was other gateway of the walled city built by Alfonso X (in Fabio Rufino Street). Arco de los Blancos (White Arch) of four Arches was part of a medieval castle and other gateway from 13th century. It is in San Juan de Dios Street next to the Roman Theater .

If tourists visit the Pópulo neighborhood they will be able to enjoy its shops, cafés, taverns, traditional dishes, delicious tapas and wines spending their free time sitting in its open air terraces because the weather in Cádiz is usually excellent.

By the way, the promenade goes around the old town so the Cathedral, Casa del Obispo, Santa Cruz Church, Roman Theater and other places can also be reached by Campo del Sur Avenue (Paseo Maritimo).

It is said that flamenco song was born of the people of Santa María neighborhood, so the music roots come alive in its streets. If people want to know more about flamenco, they will probably have a first contact with Flamenco in this neighborhood.

Puertas de Tierras one of the most emblematic monument of Cádiz separates the Old walled Town from the modern Cádiz city.

The Town Hall building, which was built in the early 19th century in neoclassical style, has a beautiful facade and is located in the lively San Juan de Dios Square one meeting point in the heart of Cádiz.

Museo del Vinos y Toros de Cádiz (Wines and Bulls Museum) is an exhibition about wines and bulls in where visitors can taste the delicious wine from Cádiz and know more about the traditional bullfights ( a spectacle in which a man fights and kill a bull).

mar cadizIn middle of the Spain Square people can find the magnificent Monument to the Constitution of 1812 which was raised in 1912, and other interesting buildings such as the Customs and the House of the Four Towers. Do not miss out on the port and pier on the Cádiz Bay nearby.

Oratorio de la Santa Cueva, which consists in two outstanding chapels, is considered to be a masterpiece of the neoclassical Gaditano, decorating with paintings by Francisco de Goya, Zacarias Gónzalez and others world renowned arts.

People interested in art should visit the Cádiz Museum where they not only will find paintings by Zurbarán, Murillo, Rubens, Alonso Cano among others but also archaeology, art and history. Is is in La Mina Square.

Alameda Apodaca is a popular area with plenty of trees, benches, fountains and gardens an ideal area to walk and rest, above all in summer. It is in the north of the city near the Candelaria Bastion from 17th century and the Cádiz Museum.

Genovés Park is the most beautiful and important green area in Cádiz, plenty of plants, trees, fountains, gardens benches is a real botanic park where people can enjoy walking along its avenues and squares. It is situated in the old town between Santa Catalina Castle and Candelaria Bastion and near the Caleta beach.

Grant Falla Theater was built between 1884 and 1905 on the site of the previous theater brunt in neomúdejar style. It is worth a visit and near Genovés Park.

comida cadizThe lively Viña quarter is certainly popular not only among Cádiz residents, but also with tourists elsewhere in Spain and other countries, with plenty of typical bars, cafés, restaurant where serve traditional dishes, tasty cook fish and delicious wine. The Santa María Square is a typical meeting point in the heart of this neighborhood which comes alive with citizens and tourists dancing and signing during the Carnivals.

San Sebatian Castle dates from 19th century is a fortress on a small islet in La Caleta washed by the sea. Inside there is the lighthouse set up in the early 20th century, it measures more than 40 meters in length.

The coastal Castillo de Santa Catalina was constructed in the 17th century is a fortress by La Caleta beach.

Other interesting place is the Hospital de Mujeres (Women Hospital) in gaditano Baroque style and its chapel where there is one noteworthy painting by El Greco. It is near Oratorio San Felipe.

Oratorio San Felipe Neri (Saint Felipe Neri Church) in Baroque style has a Baroque altarpiece dating in the mid 18th century with a beautiful painting by Murillo, next to this Church is the Museo de las Cortes de Cádiz (Cortes of Cádiz Museum ) about Cádiz Constitution.

The watch Tavira Tower from 18th century is one of the most visited places in Cádiz, it has the Camera Obscure that allow visitors to watch the city and the terrace from where people can also see a spectacular views of Cadiz. It is near the Oratorio

Plaza de Abastos (Abasto Square) is a traditional Gaditano market, although most tourists come here to taste its typical tapas and wine in the bars nearby and have a look around the Flowers Square the main shopping area.


Beaches in Cádiz city- Costa de la Luz (Coast of the Light)

Obviously Cádiz has many beautiful and sunny beaches most of them are formed by fine golden sand dunes its clear blue water attracts tourists and citizens who enjoy its excellent weather.

barcos y playaLa Caleta beach of fine and golden sand is the most popular beach in Cádiz because it has bars, restaurants, excellent facilities even flamenco club and is situated between San Sebastian and Santa Catalina Castles in the old historical town so it is often plenty of tourists and local people.

– Santa María del Mar beach of golden sand is the smallest beach of Cádiz. Situated next to La Victoria beach is often crowded.

– La Victoria beach stretches for more than 2,900 meters. It is by the promenade in the modern area of Cadiz. Having excellent facilities La Victoria is usually plenty of people of all ages.

– The Cortadura beach of fine golden sand dunes is located in the isthmus between Cádiz and San Fernando town. It is easy to get on foot and measures about 2,500 meters in length, secluded but plenty of free space.

– El Chato or Torregorda beach is located between the Cortadura and the Composto beaches it is similar to the Cortadura beach but more than 2,600 meters long.

Cádiz has more beaches, other interesting places, a lot of fun, tasty food. good wine, a very pleasant weather, lively nightlife, dancing and flamenco and so on.



More cities and towns to visit near Cadiz

Tarifa: The most southerly town of Spain.

Andalucia / Andalusia region: Read here all about this region, including cities as Grandada, Cordoba or Sevilla.

What to visit in Potes, a picturesque town in Cantabria region


POTESVisiting the beautiful villages in Cantabria region, in the north of Spain, tourists should not miss out on the medieval town of Potes whose traditional buildings, wooden balconies, steep streets and surrounding mountains make the Potes town an interesting tourist attraction place. Although Potes only has a population of about 1,500 the town can offer all kind of facilities, activities and above all its gastronomy and nature.

Moreover, the famous handmade orujo (liquor distilled from grapes remains) has been made in the Liébana Valley for several centuries. In fact, Potes organizes an annual orujo festival in November attracting hundreds of visitors every year.


Visiting Potes Town (Cantabria, Spain)

POTESThe picturesque Potes town is situated amidst spectacular mountain sceney, in the heart of the Liébana Valley, at the foot of the Picos de Europa ( Europe Peaks Mountains ), in the confluence of the Deva River, which borders the north side of the town, and the Quiviesa River that runs through the town before flowing into the Deva River. By the way, tourists should go for a walk along the river banks and pass under its mediaval bridges before leaving the town.

Taking a leisurely stroll through the streets and bridges of the historic neighborhood of Potes visitors will find the medieval Infantado Tower dated in 14th century that is really the most remarkable building in Potes. Fortunately,the six stories of the Infantado Tower was restored carefully before showing an exhibition about the Cantabrian writer Beato de Liébana ( born in the 8th century). Besides, if people go up the tower, they can see a breathtaking view of the town, surroundigs and Picos de Europa. The Orejon de la Lama Tower dates from 15th century,the San Vicente Martin Church, and the Capitan Palace Square are also worth a visit.

POTESThe Potes Square, is a meeting point where a traditional street market is held on Mondays and great variety of farm produce and local products are sold, bought or changed among farmers and local people. This popular and historic street market has been held since 14th century. By the way, those who enjoy the atmosphere of a real historic and rural market will appreciate their charm.

Visitors should not leave Potes without trying its traditional dishes, cheeses, liquors.  Potes is 105 km. from Santander city.


Other interesting places to visit near Potes Town

– Located in the beautiful natural Liébana Valley, Santo Toribio de Liébana Monastery was founded in the 6th century although the current church dates from the 13th century, Moreover, Jerusalén, Roma, Santigo de Compostela and Santo Toribio are saint places of pilgrimage. On the other hand, it is said that Beato de Liébana lived and wrote his literary work in the 8th century in this place.  Santo Toribio Monastery is 3 km. from Potes. It takes about 30 minutes on foot to arrive at this monastery from Potes.

PICOS DE EUROPA– People interested in nature can really enjoy the Parque Nacional Picos de Europa (Picos de Europa National Park), which has peaks of more than 2,500 meters in height, taking the cable car of Fuente Dé that is 23 km. from Potes. Therefore, if people take the cable car it will go up about 750 meters in 4 minutes before arriving at upper station ( 1,823 meters of altitude) from where visitors will be able to see the majestic Liébana Valley and walk and rest in the Picos de Europa. You can have heard plenty of people talk about the spectacular Picos de Europa, but until you can see it yourself, it is impossible to imagine, You will be absolutely spellbound.

Read here more places to visit in Cantabria Region, as Santillana del Mar or Altamira Cave Museum.

Alma del Ebro / The Soul of the Ebro sculpture (Zaragoza)

escultura alma de ebro zaragoza

Alma del Ebro sculpture  (The Soul of the Ebro) is a white sculpture made especially for the International Exhibition in Zaragoza (Expo 2008 Zaragoza), which was held from 14th of June to 14th of September 2008.

Located in front of the Congress Palace (Palacio de Congresos) in the Lucas Miret Rodriguez Square, near the Ebro River, the monument sculpture was created by the world-renowned sculptor Jaume Plensa born in Barcelona in 1955.

alma del ebro expo zaragoza desde dentro

The Alma del Ebro measures about 11 meters in height, 8.50 meters in width and 8.40 meters in length being hollow inside. Moreover, the sculpture was made with big letters of stainless steel and it is shaped like a human figure where visitors can go into and look outside through its letters.

alma de ebro expo zaragoza aragon spainEbro is the name of the river that goes across Zaragoza and borders all the area where the Expo 2008 Zaragoza was hosted.

By the way, it is said that it cost more than 1,000,000 euros, however, it was worth buying.

People interested in art should not miss out on this impressive sculpture.


More related places to visit in Zaragoza

Expo Zaragoza 2008: In this article we talk about the more significant places to visit in the Expo Zone, near the Ebro River.

The best places to see in Zaragoza city: Read here all about what are the best places to visit in this city. Ideal to know what to see in Zaragoza in a holiday weekend.

El Pilar: Pilar Cathedral is one of the most popular monuments in Zaragoza, and it’s placed in the centre of the city, near the Ebro river and in the same square than La Seo Cathedral.

Aljafería Palace: This Palace is the most visited historic site in Zaragoza. The medieval islamic palace was built by Muslims on the banks of the river Ebro in the 11th century.

Icod de los Vinos, the Drago town in Tenerife (Canary Islands)

drago icod vinos

Icod de los Vinos also called the Town of the Drago tree is not only famous for its Drago Milenario tree (millennial tree) which grows in this town, but also its nature, its forest, its vineyards, its plataneras (banana trees), and the Cave of the Wind (Cueva del Viento).

Situated in the north-west of Tenerife Island, in the Canary Islands, on the hillside of Teide (the highest mountain in Spain 3,718 meters in height), Icod de los Vinos has a population of about 25,000.


The Drago tree

tenerife arbol flores rojasIt is said that the exotic millennial Drago tree, which is the oldest drago tree known in the world, can be more than one thousand years old. In fact, it measures more than 17 meters in height and 20 meters the perimeter trunk. Moreover, the drago trees were regarded as sacred by the Guanches ( people who were living in Tenerife Island when the island was conquered by Spaniards in 1495. Considering that drago tree is a healing herb it was used in medicine.

Nowadays, the ornamental drago trees are considered to be together with the palm trees the plant symbols of Tenerife island and can be seen in parks, gardens and streets frequently in the Canary Islands. However, in the past, the prized red sap of the drago trees called the drago’s blood, was extracted massively from their trucks and used to make several products by the traders and plenty of drago trees were cut down for their exploitation. Fortunately, drago tree is being protected from exploitation in the Canary Islands.

Tourists should not miss out on the Milenario Drago tree, the longest living drago tree.


The Wind Cave

The underground Cueva del Viento Sobrado (the Wind Cave) is one of the largest volcanic caves in Europe, it can really measure more than 15 kilometers in length and might have been made about 20,000 years ago when the volcanic lava flew from the active Teide volcano. Situated on the foothill of the Teide Mountain which is the highest mountain in Spain with 3,718 meters over sea level, the cave is three kilometers away from Icod de los Vinos. It is well worth a visit.

Visitors had better wear comfortable shoes and clothes to enter the cave, the visit takes about two hours. The ticket to visit the cave can be booked in advance, it costs from 5 to 16 euros. By the way, the white wine of this town is delicious.


Other interesting places nearby Icod de los Vinos

Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Read here everything abut the capital city of Tenerife island.

The Canary Islands (Islas Canarias): The best places to visit in the Canary Islands.

Monuments and nature in Gran Canaria: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Roque Nublo and other inland towns (Canary Islands)

camino roque nublo

As we have already talked about the best beaches of Gran Canaria, its coast and its seaside towns, today we are going to focus on the rest of the island:  Gran Canaria has not only beaches, but also a lot of nature and interesting cities, towns and remarkable sites to visit.

In this article we are going to talk about the following places:

arucasLas Palmas de Gran Canaria: In the north of the island is located this city, than with almost 400,000 inhabitants is currently the capital of the Canary Islands.

– Other touristic cities and towns inside the island: If during your stay at Gran Canaria you have car and you want to visit the whole island, here you will find some interesting suggestions about what to visit.

Mountains and routes through the nature:  Almost all of these routes are in the center of Gran Canaria, where are located many touristic places as Roque Nublo or Cruz de Tejeda.


Gran Canaria, the second biggest island in the Canary Islands

señales roque nublo3As we have already said in our last article, The Canary Islands are a group of Spanish islands located in the west coast of Africa. They are mainly composed by these seven islands: Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Fuerteventura, La Palma, Lanzarote, El Hierro and La Gomera.

The geography of Gran Canaria island and its proximity to Africa creates a strange climate where, while in the north of the island the climate varies between 30 ºC in summer and 15 ºC in winter, in the south  the climate is always around 20º and 30º, the perfect temperature to enjoy the beach all the year.

Finally, the center of the island has a mountain area whose peaks almost reach 2000 metres in height (Roque Nublo 1813m., Pozo de las Nieves 1949m.).


Las Palmas de Gran Canaria city

plaza santa ana obispadoWith 380,000 inhabitants, this is the biggest city of Canary Islands (Islas Canarias), and therefore the capital city of them.

The main touristic places of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria are its center (Vegueta neighborhood) where is Las Palmas Cathedral (in the photo) built between the 15th and 18th centuries, the Literary Cabinet and many more historic buildings.

The city has a lot of activity, nightlife and during the Carnivals this is one of the main touristic destinations of Spain. You also can visit its Comertial Centers (remember that the taxes in the Canary Islands are lower than in the rest of the country, so the prices are lower).

Don’t miss to visit its main beach and its promenade in Playa de las Canteras.


Touristic towns in the north of Gran Canaria: Arucas, Terol and other

catedral arucasIn the north of the island, not far away from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria you can visit some towns as Arucas, Terol, Firgas, Valleseco, Santa Brígida, Moya, Santa María de Guía, Agaete or Galdar. Among all of them, the most touristic ones are Arucas and Teror.

– The Arucas cathedral: In Arucas can be seen its “cathedral” San Juan Bautista Curch (which is not officially a cathedral yet). This church was built between 1909 and 1979 over the ruins of and old temple. The architecture of the current building and its neogothic style makes it one of the most emblematic buildings of the island.

– Teror: The main touristic places in Teror are The basilica of Teror (Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pino), The main square and the Museum (Museo de los Patronos de la Virgen).


Touristic towns in the centre and east of Gran Canaria:  Santa Lucia, Tejeda, Ingenio…

iglesia Santa Lucia 2In the centre of the island can be found the best nature routes of the island and some nice mountain villages as Tejeda, San Bartolomé de Tirajana and Santa Lucia.

In the east, you can find Ingenio, among others less touristic towns (Argüimes, Telde, Vecindario or the airport).


Nature and mountains: Roque Nublo, Cruz de Tejeda, Pozo de las nieves…

roque nubloFinally, Gran Canaria has some interesting routes through the mountains. The two most famous places to visit are Cruz de Tejeda (close to Tejeda Town) and Roque Nublo.

Roque nublo (in the photo) is an 1813 meters peak at where excursionists can arrive on foot. From its top, it can be seen an impressive landscape of the peaks nearby and the rest of the island.

You also can visit Pico de las Nieves, the highest peak of the island (1900m.) which has a route that connects it with Roque Nublo on foot (it can take 30 minutes walking aprox).

panoramica roque nublo


More touristic places to visit in the Canary Islands

The best beaches of Gran Canaria: A list with the best beaches to enjoy in this island.

The Canary islands (Islas Canarias): Check here all our posts about the Canary Islands (Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Fuerteventura, La Palma, Lanzarote…).

Plaza Mayor de Salamanca / Salamanca Main Square

plaza mayor salamanca

The Main Square (Plaza Mayor) of Salamanca is the hearth of the city. This square is located in the Old Town of Salamanca and it’s surrounded by the most important buildings of the town, as The University faculties, The Shells House (Casa de las Conchas) or The Cathedral.

Salamanca is one of the best maintained traditional cities of Spain. The Old Town of Salamanca is highly popular for its elegant stone-made buildings, monuments and squares.


The Main Square of Salamanca

plaza mayor salamanca 2Salamanca Main Square is one of the icons of the city. It was built from 1729 to 1756 by architect Alberto Churriguera. The square has a rectangular shape bordered by elegant stone-made Baroque buildings.

The main facade of the square is the Hall Town of Salamanca. Starting from this point and bordering the square, there is a beam corridor in where are medallions which have sculpted the faces of some important people of the last centuries: The kings of Spain (Carlos I, Felipe II…), conquerors (as Cristobal Colón or Hernán Cortés), or writers (Cervantes, Miguel de Unamuno…).

Although in the beginnings of the 20th century the Main Square has gardens in it. Nowadays it has been remodeled to leave more free space. However the square has benches and terraces for the people who want to rest or have a lunch.

Note: Don’t mistake Plaza Mayor of Salamanca with Plaza Mayor of Madrid. This second one was in 1580, but it’s not as spectacular as the Salamanca’s one.


Restaurants and bars in Salamanca near Plaza Mayor

To eat and drink in the Old Town of Salamanca is a pleasure: The bars and restaurants are merged with the traditional environment of the town, which will lead you into a medieval atmosphere in were Salamanca was one of the main cities of Spain.

The most visited bars and restaurants of Salamanca are placed in Plaza Mayor and its surroundings. Also, there are many pubs and discotheques in the area for young people.

Take into account that, as Plaza Mayor of Salamanca is the heart of the city, people are used to dating there with their friends to spend the free time in this zone. As a curiosity, it is said that the prices of the bars are cheaper than in other bigger cities of the country as Madrid.


Night Life in Salamanca

plaza mayor salamanca de nocheSalamanca is a high popular destination for young people. As it has the oldest university of Spain, many students (both Spaniards and Erasmus) live there during their studies. That means that, during the academic course, there are always a lot of activities for students and visitors.

The main bars and discotheques of Salamanca are placed in the Old Town, near the University buildings. In there, there is a lot of night life almost every day, from September to June (during the academic year).



Other remarkable places in Salamanca that you might like to visit

What to visit in Salamanca: Check here our article with the top buildings and monuments of Salamanca.

Castile and Leon (Castilla y León): By visiting Castile and Leon you will be in some of the most ancient cities of the centre of the Iberian Peninsula: Salamanca, Burgos, Segovia, Avila and more.

The best cities to visit in Spain: A list with the most touristic cities and destinations of Spain.

Plaza de España / Spain Square (Madrid)

plaza españa

Almost every city in Spain has its own “Plaza de España” (Spain Square). Probably, the most famous is Plaza España of Sevilla, but Madrid has also one of the most touristic ones: In this Plaza de España (Madrid) you will discover the first skyscrapers built in Spain, two beautiful fountains, gardens and in the middle of the square, a statue of Don Quijote and Sancho Panza (Cervantes’s Monument). There is also common to view organized activities in the square, as street markets with food or handicraft objects, or any kind of events.

plaza españa madridPlaza de España is located in a very privileged site. It is between these four zones:

1- In one corner starts Gran Via Avenue , the way to Cibeles Square, Puerta del Sol (Sun Square) and the center of Madrid.

2- In the second corner, there are placed The Royal Palace, El Senado building, Sabatini and Oriente Gardens and Almudena Cathedral.

3- In the third corner there is The West Park (Parque del Oeste) in where it is located The Debod Temple.

4- And finally, in the last corner starts Princesa Avenue, which ends in Moncloa neighborhood and the university zone.

To arrive at Plaza de España (Madrid) by metro, you can take Line 3 or Line 10 until Plaza España Station, or Line 1 until Noviciado Station.


What to see in Plaza de España (Madrid)

plaza españa madridThe main attractions to see in this square are the following:

– Don Quijote and Sancho Panza statues: These statues are on the middle of the square and they are a tribute to the famous writer, Miguel de Cervantes. The called Cervantes Monument was built at the beginning of the 20th century and consists in two statues of the fictional characters and an ornamented huge pillar behind them.

– The first skyscrapers of Spain: The Spain Building (Edificio España) was built in 1953 and measures 120 metres in height. Then, in 1954 was built Torre Madrid, with measures 142 metres. Finally, there are other relevant buildings bordering the square as Casa Gallardo.

fuente plaza españa– The fountains, gardens and the surroundings: In our Tour “What to visit in Madrid in one week” it’s explained all the monuments and touristic places that you can visit around Plaza España.


Eating at Plaza España

If you like Chinese food, it is said that below the fountain (in a commercial passage which leads to the underground parking) is placed one of the most famous Chinese restaurants of Madrid (but take into account that the real Chinese food is not the same food than the Chinese food of most European restaurants 😉 ) If not, you can find all kind of restaurants and cafes in Gran Via Avenue.



More touristic places to visit in Madrid near Plaza de España

 Gran via Avenue: Gran Via is one of the most famous streets of Spanish capital. It is situated in the center of Madrid and was built 100 years ago. The idea of the street was to join and improve the communication between the districts of the capital city.

– The Royal Palace: Nowadays, the Royal Palace is the official residence of the king of Spain Juan Carlos I, who uses it for important events because the King lives in a small palace called The Zarzuela. The palace was built between 1738 and 1755, and the king Felipe V (1683-1746) ordered its construction.

– Catedral de La Almudena (Almudena Cathedral): This is the main cathedral of Madrid. It is placed in front of Palacio Real.

– Jardines de Oriente (Oriente Gardens): A square with a beautiful gardens and two rows of statues on this sides. They are placed beside Palacio Real.

– Jardines de Sabatini (Sabatini Gardens): These gardens are placed by Real Palace, and also close to El Senado building.

The Debod Temple It is an old Egyptian temple which is located in Parque del Oeste. Although the temple was once in Egypt, it was disassembled in 1960 and translated to Spain ten years later to avoid its inundation because of the construction of a dam in Egypt.

Read also our post with What to visit in Madrid in one week and the Top destinations in Spain.

Barrio de San Martín (Cuenca) / St. Martin Neighborhood: The Old Town of Cuenca


Cuenca is a Spanish city located in the central zone of the country, between Madrid and Valencia. Founded on the 8th century, nowadays it has around 50,000 inhabitants and it is virtually divided in two zones: the old town (uptown the city) and the modern city beside it.

To walk from the modern part of the city to the Old Town can be described as an inexplicable sensation. Step by step, when you up the slopes and the streets becomes more and more narrow, you start to feel that the 21th century disappear and you come back to a medieval age where the traditional buildings and the nature is present everywhere.


St. Martin Neighborhood (Barrio de San Martín) and the Old Town of Cuenca

barrio de san martin cuencaSt. Martin Neighborhood is a popular zone of Cuenca where the time have been stopped long time ago. It is placed in the top of the city, and is full of narrow streets and traditional buildings. Probably, its most famous picture is the views of its balconies, from where you can see a sensational landscape of the city.

In St. Martin Neighborhood and its surroundings, you will find many interesting places to visit:

– Alfonso VII Street, with ends in the Main Square (Plaza Mayor), where is placed the The Cathedral of Cuenca.

– The cathedral (Catedral de Santa María y San Julián de Cuenca): The Cuenca’s Cathedral is in the Main Square, uptown the city. It was built between the 12th and 14th centuries.

– The hanged houses (Casas colgantes): The hanged houses are the most touristic monuments of Cuenca. They are placed at the beginning of the Old Town, in a slope called Hoz del Huécar. Long time ago all the ravine had houses hanged, but nowadays remains only three of them.  Don’t leave St. Martin Neighborhood without taking a photo of the Hanged Houses!

In the area are also placed some museums as The Abstract Art Museum (Museo de arte abstracto) or The Holy Week Museum.  Finally, leaving the neighborhood to the modern city, there is the Jucar river and its benches, in where are a lot of green zones.

More touristic sites to visit near Cuenca

Read our full list of cities and destinations to visit in Castilla La Mancha.

Other cities near Cuenca:  Toledo, Madrid, Valencia, Zaragoza.